Two weeks--that's how long I went without using the "big camera" before I started having withdrawals! So I had to get some new shots of the girls and get some practice in for me. The girls are just growing and changing everyday--all three of them. Grace lost her first tooth on Friday. It has been loose for a while and her new tooth was already coming in behind it. If you know Grace, you know she was never going to actually pull that tooth or let us pull it, so my husband came up with quite a plan. He tied a string to her tooth and tied the other end to Claire's belt loop. Then he put them both at the top of our slide and sent Claire down. The tooth popped right out! I still can't believe Grace let him do it. Here are a couple of pictures of her with her new "space."

Claire is growing and changing too. I'd love to say this growth involved potty training, but she seems to have no interest in that whatsoever yet! Instead she has learned to sing her
ABCs (okay, so the
LMNOP part is a little sketchy)! It is so totally adorable. She has also become my best little model for the camera--I think mostly because she doesn't want baby Stella to get all the camera time. Here are a couple of new ones of Claire. The black and white one shows her new little "camera pose". I think we have a future supermodel on our hands!

And, of course, little Stella is growing and changing as well. She is three weeks old today! Everyone keeps asking who she looks like, but we really can't figure it out. She has her own unique look about her. She still sleeps most of the time but she is growing and gaining weight like crazy. So far, she is definitely our most laid back baby--just taking it all in when she's awake and along for the ride the rest of the time! I did manage to get some shots of her awake the other night after her bath--here she is:

I hope everyone is enjoying a great summer and I look forward so seeing many of you again as I start fall sessions!