Tuesday, July 29, 2008


It seems I've had a lot of "new" stuff lately--new subjects, new locations, a few new props, new product offerings. I am excited with all the new things, especially my new website I just purchased this week! It is going to be so beautiful with bigger pictures and a client proofing area complete with a shopping cart that allows you to purchase right from the site. I am so excited to get it up and running but it will take a few months of work on my part before that happens. Since this is busy season until the holidays are over, my goal is to have it fully operational when the new year begins. Until then, here is some of the other "newness" for you:
A brand new baby:
Look at that proud big brother!

Thanks to Grammy for knitting this sweet baby "cocoon"

LOVE it when I catch a smile!

There's nothing like newborn wrinkles

He spoiled me by sleeping wherever I put him!

I also had a new baby plan baby for her three month session this week. She cooed to me so sweetly and I think she looks a little like the Gerber baby.

She took a 10 minute nap which was just long enough for this shot.

She hated this teacup the first time we tried. I'm glad we tried again later because once she found her feet she was content to sit there!

My favorite from her session.

I also shot in a new location this weekend at this family's home and the surrounding golf course.

This 15 year old was a great sport about spending her Saturday evening being photographed. :)

I was just smitten with their dog, Pico. If I didn't already have 3 kids, 2 dogs, and 2 new hermit crabs I might have taken him home with me!

The golf course was beautiful in the evening light.

And finally, here is a new product that I received for a client this week. It is a photo tile bracelet with 7 photo tiles.

Remember this shot of this beautiful girl on the blog?

The photos are mounted on mother-of-pearl so even the back is beautiful.

If you haven't checked out the jewelry I offer before, you should! Go to the pricing page and click on the link to Little Whimsy. The jewelry is gorgeous and reasonably priced. It makes a perfect gift for that someone special.

I have more shoots this week and then on Sunday I'm headed out for one more week at the beach before the summer is over. The last trip was with my husband's family and this one is with my family. We call this the "crazy trip" since between myself and my two sisters we have 8 children going. Wild and crazy times for sure! I hope all of you are enjoying the summer as well and getting geared up for a new school year.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Do What You Love...Love What You Do

I am back from the beach and playing catch-up! It was great to be away from the computer for a while and enjoy my family, though now I have loads and loads of work to catch up on. So thank you to all of you who are patiently waiting for proofs and orders--they are coming soon!

I drew a winner from those of you who left comments about your favorite beach. Robin Howard is the winner of 25% off her holiday card order this year. Congrats Robin!

In addition to all the usual emails filling my inbox, I have received a couple of notes from people telling me how much they are enjoying their photos. It's little comments like this that are the heart of what I do. When I was a teacher, people would often ask me what was my favorite gift to receive at the holidays or at the end of the year--no doubt looking for ideas of what to give their own children's teachers. While the gift cards and scented candles were great, what really meant the most to me was when the gift came with a heartfelt note letting me know how I had inspired/helped/cared for their child that year. It is the same with the photographs. It truly makes my day to hear how you will treasure the images I have captured of your children! Here are a couple of recent notes:

"In packing up yesterday, I came across the pictures you took of 'E' in Sept and Dec and I can't tell you how lucky we were to find you! We have taken thousands of pictures but could never capture her personality the way you have. THANK YOU!"

"Thank you again for everything. I have had such a hard time picking because they are all so great. You have captured our children in such a way that I will cherish these pictures for a lifetime. You have a wonderful gift!"

Comments like those make the hours in front of the computer worthwhile for sure. I am so lucky to love what I do!

And what makes bearing the 98 degree heat worthwhile, well this sweet little face and beautiful blue eyes:

I will leave you with an update on my availability. I am booking now for September, October, November and beyond. If you would like holiday cards or prints back in time for Christmas, you will need to complete your session before Thanksgiving, which is November 27th. Custom items like photo jewelry and handbags are popular for Christmas gifts. Those items can take as much as 4-6 weeks for delivery during the busy holiday season, so please plan ahead if you would like to give those items as gifts. The weekend dates for the fall are going very quickly, so if weekends work best for you please email me as soon as you are sure you would like a session. Thank you to all of you who continue to spread the word to all of your friends about my photography and keep me busy doing something I love!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Blogging at the Beach

I am still on vacation at the beach so I'll keep this short, but I couldn't wait to share a few photos from my recent beach sessions with all of you.

This first extended family were photographed at Ocean Isle Beach. It threatened rain all the way around, but never a drop while we were shooting and the clouds worked to our advantage!

Here's the whole "motley crew" as they are called:

Grandpa with the grandkids:

One sisters family:

Another sister and her handsome boys:

Another sister and her husband:

And this is their adorable little one:

The "baby brother" and his wife:

All of the grandkids once more:

I also had the pleasure of meeting this little family at Caswell Beach. No clouds this day so we waited until right before sunset to shoot these.

Sweet little Avery in the sunset light:

Three generations of beautiful ladies:

And one happy little family:

Our own beach trip has been lots of fun, filled with sun, sand...and more sand. If you've ever brought a little nonwalker to the beach you know what I mean about the sand!

Just for fun, since I'm in a relaxed mood here on vacation, we are going to have another contest on the blog. I know a few of you were disappointed that you couldn't enter the last contest, so this one is for everyone. Just leave me a comment on this post telling me which beach you travel to most often on vacation and your favorite thing to do there. Don't forget your name so I'll know who you are. Everyone who comments will be entered in a drawing for 25% off their holiday cards this year (yes it's time to start thinking about those, believe it or not). I draw the winner when I return home and crawl out from under the pile of laundry that we will have!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Surf & Sun...Here We Come!

Hi Everyone! It's been a crazy busy week around here, but I wanted to get in a quick post tonight. I'll be leaving tomorrow for a week at the beach, including a couple of beach sessions! I will have email access while away if you need to reach me, but I will not be checking as frequently as usual of course. I will return any phone calls and place any orders received when I return, July 19th. And because a post just isn't a post without a photo, here is an "oldie but goodie." This is cute little Shelby, who came to spend the weekend with us while her parents were away and somehow ended up in a basket in the studio getting her picture made!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Weekend Fun

Hi Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July weekend! We had a great time around here. We hung around the house on Friday during the day, just playing...

Here's Claire and little Winston hanging out on the porch of their playhouse.

Then we went to a 4th of July picnic at aunt Kristie's and to see some fireworks, of course!

Here's Miss Stella dressed in her patriotic gear, complete with a bow.

On Saturday I had the pleasure of capturing this couple as they renewed their wedding vows after 52 years of marriage. Aren't they just so sweet!

After the renewal of the vows, the afternoon storms were passing and the light was so sweet outside. So I convinced my oldest, Grace, to head out for some pictures. These will serve as her "official" seven year old portraits (even though she is almost seven and a half by now.) She did a great job for me in exchange for a McFlurry on the way home!

This dress from the Gap is officially the "twirliest dress ever" according to Grace.

Finally, on Sunday I had the pleasuring of capturing Landon's four year portraits. We spent the first half hour of this session in the car waiting for the rain to stop. We were sure it would pass, and thank goodness it did. Landon's mom always comes prepared with adorable clothes and this time was no different.

We did some "urban" stuff downtown:

Check out his little "fauxhawk" hairdo! His mom is the best hairstylist in King, I hear. :)

After our downtown fun, we headed down to Old Salem for a whole series of photos of Landon gardening. How cute is his little giraffe gardening set!

I am looking forward to a couple more sessions this week and then a beach vacation starting on Friday (along with a couple of beach sessions as well.) Ah, the joys of summer!