Hi Everyone! I am happy to say that my information packets are completed and were mailed today. If you provided your mailing address, then they should be arriving soon. They will give you updated information on my policies and prices and what to expect from a session. If you haven't sent me your mailing address yet, but would like a booklet, just email me your address to julie@uppercasephotography.com. I have also updated my business cards and website recently. It's nice to have a fresh start to 2008--sort of like the beginning of the school year back when I was teaching!
Speaking of fresh and new--check out this little sweetie that came over for a session recently. Her session was specifically for getting images to design a "Bits and Pieces" body collage. We photographed all her cute, chubby little parts (why is it that those rolls look so cute on her but not on me!):

Her finished collage will look similar to this one I designed for another client.

She also indulged us with just a few traditional shots.

Still speaking of fresh and new--with the writer's strike, there isn't much fresh and new on TV these days, huh? Although, I have been enjoying the American Idol auditions and was thrilled to see Lost back on last night. Other than that it's been mostly Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and basketball around here! So, in honor of the writers' strike, I am having a new blog contest. Leave a comment on the blog telling me your favorite TV show and you will be entered in a drawing to win a free 11x14 collage with images from your next session. It's one of the new collage sizes I am offering for 2008!
Here's the rules (I know, I know, but I have to have a few:)--you must leave a comment on the blog, emailed entries will not be entered into the drawing (if you need help with leaving a comment email me and I'll help you!). The winner will receive a free 11x14 collage from their next session (may not be used on a reorder for previous sessions). I will enter anyone who leaves a comment telling me their favorite TV show between now and noon on Wednesday, February 6th. So tell me, what's your "must see TV."