I was taking a look a my photos from the last week and realized I had quite a bit of variety in my subjects! While there are certain subjects, locations, and props that are my favorites, it's always fun to change things up a bit. The uncertainty and challenge are part of the appeal for me and are part of why I look forward to sessions. Even when I have ideas and a plan (my husband will tell you I ALWAYS like to have a plan for everything), sessions always take unexpected twists and turns. And that usually turns out to be a good thing!
Like one year old Charlie, whose curiosity took us to parts of Old Salem I hadn't explored before:

Or a new wrap, made by my mother-in-law, that kept my crawler still for a few shots:

Or a new puppy AND new bedazzled hats, which brought life to a session that had to be moved to the studio because of the crazy weather:

Or a new haircut, which puts a fresh twist on a face familiar to my camera:

Or an unusual subject, thanks so my father-in-law, who is a taxidermist and sometimes asks me to photograph animals he has "stuffed" before they head off to their new homes on display at private homes, museums, etc.:

Okay, that was a lot to share! If you've made it this far...I hope you enjoyed the variety!