This is the "shooting" area where my equipment is set up:

This will be the sitting and proofing area as soon as I put some furniture down there. I am planning on a chair and ottoman, a hutch for displaying photographs, and a table and chairs for showing proofs:

This is the half bath. Yes, it is very green! I couldn't use color on the walls of the studio as I didn't want it to reflect onto the photos, so I went a little wild with the color in the bathroom. I love it!

And here is the stairwell going up into the house:

By the way, these images of the studio were taken with my new little "point and shoot" camera that I received for Mother's Day. I love, love, love my big monster camera, but it's just not practical to carry around to some places with the kids, so I wanted a tiny camera to keep in my purse. As you know, sometimes capturing the memory is more important than using the professional camera (although I will still take it everywhere feasible because I miss all its features when using the point and shoot!).
And now here are some images from that first session in the new studio. I couldn't have asked for a better little subject--six month old Joshua! There are wonderful things about every age I photograph, but there's no denying that six month olds are some of the best subjects. Usually they can sit up but not crawl which makes them easier to catch and also they are usually pretty happy and smiley at that age. Well, Joshua was no exception and I had such a hard time narrowing down which ones to share here from his session. Here are a few:
Finally, feel free to keep voting for the photo contest. Just scroll down to that post and leave your comments there. I can't wait to see who the lucky winner will be!
Everything looks so great Julie!! I can't wait for JJ's next session with you. Take Care
Heather Schrader