3 things (not people) you love:
1. McDonald's Sweet Tea (it's my coffee)
2. my laptop (which allows me to sit on the couch and watch American Idol as I type this)
2. Murphy in the Morning on 107.5
3 things (not people) you hate:
1. whistling (can't stand to hear other people whistle!)
2. mushrooms (yuck!)
3. being pregnant (I love the end result but pregnancy itself just doesn't agree with me)
3 places you've lived:
1. Sandy Ridge
2. Raleigh
3. Winston Salem (technically Pfafftown but we have been annexed now)
3 places you've visited:
1. Martinique (honeymoon)
2. Boston (miss you Lisa in Boston!)
3. Jamaica
3 places to shop:
1. Gymboree (Hello, My name is Julie and I'm addicted to gymbucks.)
2. Gap (best place for portrait clothing, in my opinion)
3. Target (Always find something I MUST have there)
3 places to eat:
1. Roly Poly (a popular lunch choice for me and the littlest girls)
2. El Maguey (a Mexican restuarant close to our house that is just fabulous!)
3. Carrabas (on the rare occassion that Tory and I are without the girls we always go there. I get chicken gratella and he gets sirloin marsala)
3 reasons you love being a mom, or dad, or grandma, etc:
1. My kids crack me up. They are sooooo funny!
2. The little things I know about them that no one else knows (except maybe their dad).
3. The way they smell after their bath (it almost makes up for the chaos that ensues when trying to bathe all three of them at once!)
3 random things we might not know about you:
1. The scar on my forehead is from falling off my grandmas porch when I was two years old.
2. I maintained a 4.0 gpa all the way through college at Meredith until the last semester of my senior year when I received a b in a class I didn't need to graduate. I graduated with a 3.9 gpa--bummer!
3. I use to collect dalmation stuff when I was young. I have no idea why!
3 reasons you love UpperCase Photography & Design (you know I had to go there!):
1. I love to capture memories of who someone really was at a point in their lives.
2. I get to meet GREAT people!
3. I get to be technical and creative all rolled into one.
Come on now and be a good sport. Fill out the survey and email it back to me...you could win three free 5x7s!!
On a seperate note, I am trying to see if there is any interest in beach portraits. If you would be interested in beach portaits in the Wilmington or Topsail Beach area either during spring break or during Labor Day weekend, please email me. The email will NOT commit you to a session as I am just seeing if there is any interest out there.
And I can't leave without some pictures so here's a recent shot of each of my girls:
Ms. Drama Queen on her bed--

Ms. Sassy in the tub--

Ms. Smiley trying so hard to go somewhere but she hasn't figured it out yet--

ReplyDeleteit is crystal mendenhall I havent talked to you in so long but I was wondering if there was any way that you could take some pictures of us at our new house!!! We are moving this weekend and wanted to get the pictures sent out for easter. Please
call me at 978-9323 and let me know what we can do. We can do any time any day. I will come and get you and drive you there, so that you don't have to worry about that.
thanks again. crystal