Friday, April 11, 2008


Yesterday I had a session with the sweetest little one year old and we ended up with some very "sweet" light out at Reynolda Gardens. The results are awfully sweet as well, I think. Little "A" had a cold but that didn't stop her from exploring all the beauty at the gardens. She was such a good walker to have just turned one, which always makes capturing images a bit more of a challenge! But she was such a good sport. At one point during the session she toddled straight for me and my camera. When she got too close for me to focus on her I pulled my camera away from my face and she came closer and gave me a little kiss--so sweet! Her mom says she doesn't just hand out kisses to anyone so I felt pretty special. :)

Since "A" was just turning one and at Reynolda Gardens in a little white dress, I couldn't help but be reminded of my three year old, Claire's, one year session--also in a little white dress just barely toddling around at Reynolda Gardens. It made me think about how quickly it all flies by, even though sometimes the days can seem so long (especially if my husband is out of town!) Then today I just happened to hear this song on the radio by Trace Adkins. Now, I can't say I'm usually a huge Trace Adkins fan, but his song really spoke to me today. It's called "You're Gonna Miss This" and here is the chorus:

You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this

I think all of us need to be reminded sometimes to enjoy each day and each stage as it comes because before you know it, they'll be on to something else. And I hope you'll be reliving the moments and memories in beautiful photographs!

Here is little "A" just entering the stage of toddlerhood:

And a recent favorite of my own little one, Stella. She gives that happy little smile to just about everyone. Just this week she entered a new stage herself and started crawling. Now I no longer have a subject at home who can't get away from me!

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