Monday, July 7, 2008

Weekend Fun

Hi Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July weekend! We had a great time around here. We hung around the house on Friday during the day, just playing...

Here's Claire and little Winston hanging out on the porch of their playhouse.

Then we went to a 4th of July picnic at aunt Kristie's and to see some fireworks, of course!

Here's Miss Stella dressed in her patriotic gear, complete with a bow.

On Saturday I had the pleasure of capturing this couple as they renewed their wedding vows after 52 years of marriage. Aren't they just so sweet!

After the renewal of the vows, the afternoon storms were passing and the light was so sweet outside. So I convinced my oldest, Grace, to head out for some pictures. These will serve as her "official" seven year old portraits (even though she is almost seven and a half by now.) She did a great job for me in exchange for a McFlurry on the way home!

This dress from the Gap is officially the "twirliest dress ever" according to Grace.

Finally, on Sunday I had the pleasuring of capturing Landon's four year portraits. We spent the first half hour of this session in the car waiting for the rain to stop. We were sure it would pass, and thank goodness it did. Landon's mom always comes prepared with adorable clothes and this time was no different.

We did some "urban" stuff downtown:

Check out his little "fauxhawk" hairdo! His mom is the best hairstylist in King, I hear. :)

After our downtown fun, we headed down to Old Salem for a whole series of photos of Landon gardening. How cute is his little giraffe gardening set!

I am looking forward to a couple more sessions this week and then a beach vacation starting on Friday (along with a couple of beach sessions as well.) Ah, the joys of summer!

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