Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hard-Cover Coffee Table Books

I am excited to be able to offer a new product to my clients. Imagine a beautiful hard cover bound book featured most of the images from your session! These books turn out so nice and are truly a work of art to be displayed and treasured for years to come. Here are a few photos of a sample book I just received to keep in the studio and carry with me to proofing sessions. This is a "family themed" book filled with images from a recent beach session that you may have seen on the blog. Please excuse my not-so-great product photography--it's raining today so I had to take these on the kitchen table while perched on my daughter's booster seat! The photos could never do justice to how lovely these look in person.

If anyone has questions or would like to receive pricing information on these books, just email me at

I am digging out from under the pile of work that collected while I was away at the beach and hope to be posting some more new client images very soon!

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