Monday, September 22, 2008

Cuteness Overload

First and foremost, I'd like to introduce you to my new neice, Kylie Alyssa. My sister-in-law and her husband welcomed Kylie into the family on September 16th and she had her first official photo session on Saturday at 4 days old. She is a doll and we are so happy to have her as a part of the family!

This is her with big brother, TJ. If these were mine, this would be huge in my house! :)

I've had this shot in mind since I noticed her daddy's tattoo (that's their last name)...he was a great sport to indulge me!

Carter was the winner of the blog contest where my kids picked the photos they liked best. Remember, Grace picked Carter standing beside a lego spongebob. He won a free session and a free 11x14 print. Carter loves skateboarding so we incorporated that into the session!

This sweet four month old is the daughter of a friend of mine. Mom likes simple and classic so that's just what we did. Little Zella Ann is baby number three in her family and was so happy and content. She let me photograph her and chat with her mom as long as I wanted. :)

This little seven month old was so cute I could hardly stop gushing over him long enough to photograph him. The rolls, the skin, the fuzzy goodness. His parents and big sister were probably thinking "Yes, we think he's pretty cute take his picture please!"

I didn't know if I'd ever get to meet this sweet, young lady. Her session was rained out twice, but the third time was a charm. I think she was worth the wait!

It was time to get my sister's kids in front of the camera again--so here's the diva and her brothers.

DJ is 15 and way to cool for me and my camera. :)

Dalton is 7 and loves the camera...for now.

Paige is 18 months now and still the diva. It took her a little bit to warm up but once she did, she was great!

This little two year old cutie almost wore me out at Tanglewood. Last time I saw him he was barely walking and this time I could hardly keep up with him!

Whew! Did you make it through all of last week's cuteness? If you enjoyed any of these let me comments make my day! :) I hope to update again soon and it seems to me to be about time for another contest so stay tuned...


  1. Another Contest sounds like a great idea to me. My family and friends enjoyed that alot last year. We had so much fun at Tanglewood yesterday with you. JJ went to bed talking about Miss Julie, and also woke up ready to do it again this morning. To bad we had to get back to reality and go to work and daycare. I can't wait to do it again. I think we were all wore out from chasing that little stinker yesterday :] But we had a blast!!

    Thanks, Your are the best!!

    Heather Schrader

  2. Hi Julie! The pictures of Carter are fantastic!! I can't wait to see more!! You are truly blessed with a wonderful talent. All your photos are gorgeous. Thank you so much for everything!!

    Take care~
