Thursday, October 23, 2008


People often tell me after a session that I have so much patience. I'm sure if you asked anyone who lives in my house they would beg to differ. I am definitely not the most patient person in the world, but some things are worth waiting for.

This shot required the most patience and almost countless attempts to get everyone still and looking...definitely worth it. :)

Another session from the weekend...after all their patience with me we let them run full speed across the bride and they loved it!

These two parents could probably teach me a thing or two about patience...I'm sure they agree that their beautiful baby girl was worth the wait.

Dad is a cattle farmer!

And while we are on the subject of patience, photographing my own requires possibly more patience than any other subjects. There's so much more "emotional involvement" when it's your own children in front of the camera. So I was thrilled to capture this shot of my three dressed in their Wizard of Oz themed halloween costumes.

I am going to be printing this shot as it is shown here as a 10x20 for our playroom. That is the size of the large storyboards I offer, but this shot will be printed as one full shot in that size, not a storyboard. It's a striking and different for a shot that lends itself to being "long/tall and skinny."

Just a reminder:
If you would like to be put on a waiting list for a holiday session, please contact me. My calendar is currently completely full through the end of the year. Maternity and newborns are, however, always worked into the schedule.

I have opened my calendar for January and February 2009, so if you are interested in a session during that time please contact me. I will most likely wait until closer to the end of the year to open up March and beyond, so if you are interested in a session next spring... just have patience. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the group shot of the Messer kids, so adorable!! -- Shannon Brenner
