Monday, November 17, 2008

Christmas Spirit

Well, it's just full of Christmas spirit around here as I scramble to edit holiday sessions and place holiday orders. But just in case you are having a little trouble getting into the spirit (it's not even Thanksgiving yet after all) then this should do the trick:

There now....that should at least getting you humming silent night. I wish I had time to share more from some of the awesome sessions I have had recently but I. MUST. KEEP. WORKING....

Thanks to everyone who is patiently waiting for proofs and orders. They are coming soon! And of course, I'm sure you are wondering who won that free set of holiday cards. The winner by random drawing is Joanna Kirkland. Congratulations Joanna!

Do you want holiday cards and haven't ordered them yet? Don't worry, there's still time. Just email me and we'll get started on an order for you.

I hope to share some more images with you later this week, including an awesome urban family session!

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