Friday, January 5, 2007

And The Winner Is.......

.....Booties on the Belly ! Thanks so much to everyone who voted! That belly belongs to Joanne and she will receive a free 2007 session including the 4x6 printed proofs! Thanks also to the subjects of all my other favorites. Obviously, I love them all (and many others that weren't on the list) for a variety of reasons and I thank you all for allowing me to capture your beauty.

In other big news, I'll be getting the opportunity to capture photos of my own newborn this summer! That's right, we are expecting our third child, due in July. Now that we are all getting used to the idea (it was a bit of a surprise!) we are all excited about our upcoming adventures as a family of five. I plan on continuing photo sessions as long as my big 'ol belly will allow, but I will eventually be unable to maneuver into the needed positions. If you've had a session then you know what I mean because you've seen me standing on stools, laying on my belly, or whatever else is needed to get the angle I'm wanting! Barring unforeseen circumstances, I plan to continue sessions through the end of May. I will then take the summer off and start sessions again when school starts back at the end of August. So plan ahead and make those appointments before it's too late!

And finally, I couldn't post on the blog without adding a photo, so here are a couple new ones of my Claire Bear. I wanted to try a new basket I bought to use for a Valentine's Day prop, but Claire wasn't having it--that is until I brought out the huge sucker. Bribery at its best!


  1. Yay!!

    The basket is cute but the sucker is awesome! It really makes a statement.


  2. I love it! She is much sweeter than that big sucker, but the look lets you know there is another side to her. Once again another great photo and such a precious little girl.
