Saturday, January 27, 2007

Love is in the Air

So, it was Valentine's photo shoot day at the Wagoner household today. Of course, my girls do not usually enjoy having the portraits taken--couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the camera is always in their face could it! Even my husband hates when I take "official" portraits of the girls. His response when I tell him we need to do their photos is always something like "No, please...I'll clean the house, go shopping, anything but that!" But, alas, occasionally it MUST be done. And things went surprisingly well today, if I do say so myself! There were no tears (not even from my husband) and I am pleased with the results. Even the dogs got in on the action today and had their Valentine's portraits made! So to get you in the mood for Valentine's (and to remind those guys out there that it's coming up pretty soon!), here are a few from today.

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