Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Bunnies and Baskets and Basements--Oh My!

Hi Everyone. The weather is warming up and it's starting to feel like spring! And with spring comes spring portraits. I will begin a busy couple of weeks of outdoor shoots for Easter next week, but in the meantime I have been doing some studio Easter shots. You all have seen Keira and Connor before since I get the pleasure of taking their photos often. They are both growing so much and they were both very good during their Easter portraits!
Here is Keira posing as a bunny:

And here she is with some Easter chicks:

And here is little Connor hanging out in an Easter basket. Two more minutes in that basket and he would have fallen right to sleep. That how good a baby he is! I hope our baby number three is as laid back as Connor!

And with all the changes around here, we are also changing things in our home. We are in the process of finishing our basement and it will become my photography studio. I am beyond excited about this, especially now that construction is underway! The contractor says a couple more weeks and I can open the studio for business. Here is how the progress is coming:

This area will be the sitting area where people can view their proofs or just relax while taking a break during sessions.

Here is another view of the sitting area. The door you see on the far right goes out into our garage.

This area is to the left of the fireplace and will be the shooting area. Backdrops will be along the back wall. That's a large closet on the left to hold all the props, etc.

This shows the door to the garage again on the far left, the stairs going up into the house, and what will be a small bathroom.

Don't you think it's going to be just fabulous? I've been driving the contractor crazy with picking out floors, ceilings, paint colors, even toilets! I'll keep you all updated as it comes along and I can't wait for one of you to be the first to have a studio session there.

By the way, my sister is still pregnant--although she is at the point where she is wishing it was over! I'll keep you posted on the contest. If you haven't voted yet and would like to, just scroll down to that post and leave a comment stating your vote.

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