Tory will kill me for posting him on the blog, but here he is with Stella:

The girls in a "polar bear den:"

The little ones in the stroller. Claire didn't want me to stop to take her picture hence the pouting, but I just had to capture how Stella was looking around her to see where we were going!:

Watching the otters(Claire's favorite because they would playfully chase you across the glass):

The only polar bear out today:

Birds(I found them easiest to photograph because I could get closer to them and they stood out against the green leaves):

There is a new exhibit that just opened today. It's a new home for the elephants, rhinos, etc.:

Grace loved the giraffes and zebras:

Okay, If you've made it through me boring all of you with zoo photos, I am going to announce the winner of the March contest. I asked you all to fill out a survey and send it back to be entered in a drawing to win three 5x7 prints from your next session. The winner of the three 5x7s is Denise Herrin! Congratulations Denise!! I can't wait to see your beautiful girls again soon.
Be on the lookout for a new contest for April and more photos from recent sessions coming soon!
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