Thursday, July 17, 2008

Blogging at the Beach

I am still on vacation at the beach so I'll keep this short, but I couldn't wait to share a few photos from my recent beach sessions with all of you.

This first extended family were photographed at Ocean Isle Beach. It threatened rain all the way around, but never a drop while we were shooting and the clouds worked to our advantage!

Here's the whole "motley crew" as they are called:

Grandpa with the grandkids:

One sisters family:

Another sister and her handsome boys:

Another sister and her husband:

And this is their adorable little one:

The "baby brother" and his wife:

All of the grandkids once more:

I also had the pleasure of meeting this little family at Caswell Beach. No clouds this day so we waited until right before sunset to shoot these.

Sweet little Avery in the sunset light:

Three generations of beautiful ladies:

And one happy little family:

Our own beach trip has been lots of fun, filled with sun, sand...and more sand. If you've ever brought a little nonwalker to the beach you know what I mean about the sand!

Just for fun, since I'm in a relaxed mood here on vacation, we are going to have another contest on the blog. I know a few of you were disappointed that you couldn't enter the last contest, so this one is for everyone. Just leave me a comment on this post telling me which beach you travel to most often on vacation and your favorite thing to do there. Don't forget your name so I'll know who you are. Everyone who comments will be entered in a drawing for 25% off their holiday cards this year (yes it's time to start thinking about those, believe it or not). I draw the winner when I return home and crawl out from under the pile of laundry that we will have!


  1. We go to the Outer Banks every summer. My favorite thing to do is to do nothing and hang out at the pool and beach.
    Love the pictures!!

  2. My family has gone to Cherry grove every summer. We have always stayed in the same place. I love to walk on the beach and play in the pool.

  3. Well of course our favorite beach is Topsail/Surf City (and yes, we even vacation there!). My favorite thing to do is search for (and find) sharks teeth, starfish, seaglass, and shells. --Molly

  4. we go to ocean isle beach every april and love it becuase the beaches are empty and the weather is great! we love to play in the sand and build "hot tubs"!

  5. I have always loved Wrightsville Beach the best. My favorite thing to do is be there. Can not wait to see the rest of the pictures. I hope you had a wonderful vacation.
