Tuesday, July 29, 2008


It seems I've had a lot of "new" stuff lately--new subjects, new locations, a few new props, new product offerings. I am excited with all the new things, especially my new website I just purchased this week! It is going to be so beautiful with bigger pictures and a client proofing area complete with a shopping cart that allows you to purchase right from the site. I am so excited to get it up and running but it will take a few months of work on my part before that happens. Since this is busy season until the holidays are over, my goal is to have it fully operational when the new year begins. Until then, here is some of the other "newness" for you:
A brand new baby:
Look at that proud big brother!

Thanks to Grammy for knitting this sweet baby "cocoon"

LOVE it when I catch a smile!

There's nothing like newborn wrinkles

He spoiled me by sleeping wherever I put him!

I also had a new baby plan baby for her three month session this week. She cooed to me so sweetly and I think she looks a little like the Gerber baby.

She took a 10 minute nap which was just long enough for this shot.

She hated this teacup the first time we tried. I'm glad we tried again later because once she found her feet she was content to sit there!

My favorite from her session.

I also shot in a new location this weekend at this family's home and the surrounding golf course.

This 15 year old was a great sport about spending her Saturday evening being photographed. :)

I was just smitten with their dog, Pico. If I didn't already have 3 kids, 2 dogs, and 2 new hermit crabs I might have taken him home with me!

The golf course was beautiful in the evening light.

And finally, here is a new product that I received for a client this week. It is a photo tile bracelet with 7 photo tiles.

Remember this shot of this beautiful girl on the blog?

The photos are mounted on mother-of-pearl so even the back is beautiful.

If you haven't checked out the jewelry I offer before, you should! Go to the pricing page and click on the link to Little Whimsy. The jewelry is gorgeous and reasonably priced. It makes a perfect gift for that someone special.

I have more shoots this week and then on Sunday I'm headed out for one more week at the beach before the summer is over. The last trip was with my husband's family and this one is with my family. We call this the "crazy trip" since between myself and my two sisters we have 8 children going. Wild and crazy times for sure! I hope all of you are enjoying the summer as well and getting geared up for a new school year.

1 comment:

  1. hey julie,
    its your mom. i love looking at your pictures on the blog, especially when they are my grandkids. by the way i love the necklace. can you pass this on to your sisters. ha ha
    love ya
