Sunday, June 29, 2008

Winners!...and more

I finally convinced my oldest daughter to come back home on Thursday afternoon. She had a blast at my sister's house and was completely exhausted when she arrived home! After a day to recover, I had the girls go about choosing the winners of the Fresh Faces campaign. Here they are:

Grace's Choice...

This is Carter at FAO Schwartz in New York. Grace was just amazed at the number of legos used to build Spongebob...and Carter was pretty cool too. :) Carter has won a free session (in August or Sept.) and a free 11x14 print!

Then it was Claire's turn to pick. I had the photos in a slideshow so we could scroll through them and before I even turned on the slideshow Claire noticed this picture at the bottom of the screen. She squealed, "That's me...I pick that one!" I encouraged her to watch the slideshow anyway and then she saw baby Oliver and insisted that she was picking him too. It's just like Claire to insist on two when you ask her to pick one, so I just went with it. So there are two second place winners:
This is Leah (she does look a little like Claire, don't you think)

And this is sweet, baby Oliver:

Both Leah and Oliver will receive a free 11x14 when they complete a 2008 session. Congrats!

And finally is was Stella's turn. Her pointing indicated to us that she's a sucker for a boy all dressed up. :) She choose this cutie named John Foster:

John Foster wins a free 8x10 with a completed 2008 session.

Thanks so much to everyone who entered!! We had a blast looking at all the cute kids and remember, EVERYONE who entered (and didn't win) still receives a free 5x7 with a completed 2008 session!

And now on to some of my own photos. People often ask me what to wear to family sessions and I usually recommend a couple of options. This weekend I had sessions who happened to illustrate those options nicely!

This family dressed their adorable daughter in a print dress and then they all wore solid clothing that complimented the dress. Don't you think it looks so nice...I do!

The beautiful sisters:

This daddy and daughter just stole my heart together. He called her his little "chalupa" which I thought was adorable..and look at the love on her face for her daddy.

This weekend I also traveled all the way to Banner Elk to photograph this lovely family in honor of the dad's birthday (I think he was turning 29 :) Their clothing represented another option very well, which is to dress in the same color combo but vary the cut and style of the clothing. They were all in denim and white, but there was still plenty of variation there.

This family began when these two crazy kids fell in love:

They had three kids...they're all two years apart so I'll just let you guess which birth order.

And now they have this beautiful extended family, including adorable little Grant:

I had so much fun hanging out with them at their mountain cabin, with the highlight of the trip being perching everyone atop the mountain peak for this shot. A beautiful and loving group in a breathtaking spot!

Whew...that was one long post. If you made it all the way through, thanks for hanging in there and leave me a comment or two to let me know you were here!

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