Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Week of the One Year Old

It has been officially "the week of the one year old." I have had three sessions this week with little ones celebrating their first birthday. All three of them were walking which, let's just be honest here, makes things just a bit more complicated. :) Complicated or not, they were a pile of fun and full of personality!

This is Caleb. All of the smiling shots of Caleb went a little something like this.
Me: Hand Caleb a noisy, jingly, plastic ball that I keep in the studio.
Caleb: Throw ball loudly onto the floor.
Me: Die laughing like it's the funniest thing to ever happen in front of me.
Caleb: Smile at me because he's quite proud of the funny thing he's done.
Me: Snap, Snap, Snap smiling photos of Caleb

My favorite:

This is Luke. I wasn't sure Luke would ever want to see me again, when about 1/4 of the way through his session he had a little accident that resulted in a bleeding and swollen lip. But Luke let me know I was still okay in his book by coming and sitting in my lap between photos. It's a little hard to photograph a kid who's sitting in your lap, but hey I wasn't complaining...I was just happy he wasn't going to forever associate me with a bleeding, fat lip!

This is Allison. I think Allison is destined to be a little diva. Why, you ask. Because she can already say "bow" while reaching up to her head to see if she has one in. She was also happiest when we placed her a the hat box and surrounded her with strands of beads. Look for Allison on the Paris runways one day...I'm sure she'll take me along as her official photographer. :)

Are you tired after just viewing all those? You can bet I was tired after shooting them all!

In other breaking UpperCase Photography news...I am now the proud new owner of this.

No, not the bear silly, the pink blackberry curve he's holding! I know, I must be the last person on earth to get one of these, but I am super excited about having email and internet on the go!! Now if I can only remember to keep it charged and with me...I think I can hear my husband laughing as I type that. :)

I am looking forward to another busy weekend of photo sessions with possibly something other than 80 degree weather, so stay tuned for more sessions on the blog soon.

1 comment:

  1. LOL You're not the last person on Earth to get one! I actually JUST order myself a BlackBerry Pearl this week end and will be getting it Monday! I'm slowly catching up with the world out there.
    A~ Turner
