Sunday, September 23, 2007

location, location, location

After spending the entire day in the car with Tory and the kids on the way back from Wilmington, including over 2 hours in a barely moving traffic jam, I was happy to get out and stretch my legs this evening at Tanglewood. Sweet little Landon, my three year old subject, wasn't too keen on the idea of pictures at first. We started out at the aboretum, but as you can see Landon wasn't quite in the mood (although I love this photo and would never toss it, the bottom lip is priceless!):

But as soon as we decided to head up to the train at Tanglewood, Landon had his happy face on. What is it about boys and trains! Landon had a great time exploring the train and even met himself a new little friend. He let me tag along and take a few pictures as well:

And the only thing that could possibly drag him away from the train was the promise of horses, so we headed down to my favorite sunset spot at Tanglewood to see the horses.

Even though it was definitely hot outside this evening, you could start to see signs of fall. Most notably, the Festival of Lights decorations are already going up at Tanglewood! Before we know it the holidays will be upon us, so if you would like a session between now and the end of the year please email me as soon as possible. I will try to get some holiday card information on the blog this week!

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