Here's one of all three flower girls walking together:

After about two shots, Claire wanted to do nothing but pick the flowers that you're not supposed to pick:

At the end, Kristie gave Grace her bouquet to take home and she was so excited:

I drew out a winner to the blog contest and the winner is Kelly Solomon. Congrats Kelly, you will receive 50% off any Christmas cards you choose to order this year!
Finally, I had an unexpected cancellation of a session for this Saturday, September 15th. I'd like to fill the spot with a session, so here's what I'll do. The first person to email me and book a session on September 15th will receive 50% off their session fee. This offer is only good for those who don't have a September session booked already. So if you've been thinking about making an appointment--email me quick!
Well I must say that those are the three cuttiest flower girls around. Thanks for yesterday. It was a blast.