Monday, September 3, 2007

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

So last week was full of adorable boys to photograph, but over the holiday weekend I have had a few sweet girls in the studio. One-year-old Bailey wasn't feeling well on portrait day so we weren't sure how the session would go. But Bailey was quite the little trooper and had a great session! She was even up for her own little birthday cake at the end of the session. She dove right in and enjoyed herself. I hope you are continuing to feel well Bailey!

Today four-month-old Ella came over with her mom and dad for some portraits. What a calm and sweet baby Ella was during the session. And have you ever seen a better head of hair on a baby--I loved it!!

My own sweet little Stella is now two months old, so we needed a few shots to mark the milestone. She gave me some sweet smiles and showed off her double chin!

So has anyone else been watching a lot of football this weekend? It's been on at our house all weekend, although between all the kids and dogs in our house I don't know how much of it my husband was able to watch. In honor of NC State's first football game of the season I made this collage for my husband's office:

He is an NC State alum so this is definitely a "Go Pack" household. I think it's about time for a new contest on the blog since I am back in business, so in honor of the beginning of football season here is how it will work. Leave a comment on this blog entry saying "Go (whatever team you prefer)." For example, my own comment would say "Go Pack!" Be sure to leave your name on the comment as well (and whatever else you'd like to say, of course). On Friday, I will take all the names, put them in a hat (or some other suitable container) and draw out a winner. The winner will receive 50% off any Christmas cards they order this year. So let me know what team you're rooting for--and don't worry, even if you're a Tarheel fan I'll try not to hold it against you!


  1. alright Julie, GO WAKE!!!!
    Crystal Mendenhall
    B's pictures are so good i really like the black and white close up. so glad that you are back

  2. We are...Penn State!

    Julie, I love your blog and appreciate the emails to remind me to look at it! I need to get on your fall schedule. Talk with you soon...ginny mikkola

  3. You know we're a pack house, too!

    So, Gooooooo WolfPack!

    We love Joshua's 9 mos pics! you always do a great job!

    Stefan Geary

  4. Go Mustangs!!!

    We can't wait to see the rest of Ella's pics!

    Nina Bolliger

  5. GO TARHEELS!!!!! This from my oldest son DJ.

    Your SIS!! ( I know I won't be in the drawing, but we had to out the "Heels" on the site. Sorry Tory!!)

  6. We are a house divided. Joseph and I say "GOOOOOOOO HEEEEEELS!" and Derek who stands alone says


  7. Stella is darling. I am sorry we have not gotten with you with Mason, we have a fussy little guy and some other things going on!

    I hope to see you before holiday pics but if not....




    Stella looks so cute in the new pic. with her big smile.

    Jill, Josh and Riley Tuttle

  9. Go DEACS!
    Amanda and Cole Grogan

  10. WE ARE...PENN STATE yell all the Solomon gang! And I am sure we will be cheering very loud this weekend for the PSU vs. Notre Dame! I have enjoyed all the pictures you have posted. What beautiful children. Looking forward to our appt. in Oct!
