Monday, June 23, 2008

Contest update and recent work

Due to unusual circumstances, I will be extending the contest until the end of the week. Now what unusual circumstances might that be, you ask? Well, I sent my oldest daughter to spend the night with my mom. She was then "stolen" by my sister who is holding her hostage with the promise of bible school, staying up late, junk food, and fun with her cousins! Seriously, my sister calls me and says "We'll call you when she gets homesick." Soooooo, she is not here to choose the grand prize winner and therefore I will continue to take more entries until Friday, June 27th at 12 noon.

If you ran out of time to snap a photo or didn't hear about the contest in time, now is your chance to enter! Just scroll down and read the post that gives the rules and email me a photo of your little cutie to . Thanks so much to all of those who have entered already. I have really enjoyed seeing all of the adorable faces in my emails (and I am glad I am not the one picking!!).

For those of you who are longtime blog readers, you have watched our youngest daughter Stella grow up over the past year. She celebrated her first birthday over the weekend with a pool party and lots of fun. She loved her cake and made quite a mess! We took her out yesterday for a few photos to mark the occasion of her birthday. She has the most horrific case of "photographer's child syndrome" (meaning she is so over being photographed) so she only gave us a few before she refused to look at me anymore no matter how silly I acted. But I do love the ones she was gracious enough to give me:

And here are a few from a couple of recent sessions at Tanglewood. All of these children were so sweet and adorable, it was truly my pleasure hanging out with them and taking photos. Some of the most cooperative clients ever, especially for their ages!

This is Dree, who is turning two in a few weeks:

This is Seth and Grace, ages 6 and 1:

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