Monday, June 9, 2008

The Originals

This family were my very first "real" clients way back in 2006. I took photos of the two daughters and have since done photos of all of them several times. They recently moved to Salisbury, but we were able to meet up a Tanglewood this weekend for a family session. As you know if you stepped outside on Saturday, it was soooooo hot! The whole family hung in there as we captured what we could before we decided that we all needed a cold drink--and maybe a shower. :) But I think it was worth it--take a look at what we got:

Mother and Son--doesn't mom look gorgeous!

The Oldest:

The Middle One:

The "Baby:"

Belly laughs at dad--don't ask what he was doing because I'm sworn to secrecy. :)

Thanks to this family and to all of you for allowing me to have such a fun job!

Now it's off to get everyone ready for Grace's dance recital tonight. It will take hours to get everyone bathed and prettied up (okay, and get the house presentable for Stella's babysitter to come over!) Sometimes it feels like such a chore to take her to dance every single week all year long--the dressing in the car after school, the entertaining of her sisters for an hour in the lobby each week, the purchase of countless sets of tights and shoes. But I must say, it is worth it to see it all come together for all the girls in the huge production each year at the Stephen's Center. I always get caught up in the innocence and beauty of the dancers up on the big stage. Hopefully, I'll share some pictures of our little dancer soon!

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