Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Enter the Contest....Win Free Stuff!

Hi Everyone. Just a reminder, you have until Friday night to email me a photo of your child or children for the blog contest. I have received some entries but I would love more, more, more people to enter! Just to clarify, ANYONE who has not had a session in 2008 may enter. If you had a session last year or previously, you are welcome to enter. If you have never had a session, you are also welcome to enter.

Remember, this is not a "cutest kid" contest. My children will be picking the winners (which is about as random as it gets) so anyone has a chance to win.

First prize is a free session and a free 11x14 print. Second prize is a free 11x14 print when you complete a 2008 session. Third prize is a free 8x10 print when you complete a 2008 session. If you enter, but don't win-- you will still receive a free 5x7 when you complete a 2008 session!

See the post below for the "official rules"

So enter your own children (ages 0-18) and then email your friends and family so they can enter as well!

As since I'm blogging, here are a few from recent sessions. I still have more recent stuff to share from the past couple of stay tuned for those.

More twin girls--how lucky am I to get more twin babies to photograph:

This sweet girl came for a newborn session and is back now that she is three months old. She was such a doll and even slept for a few sweet baby shots!

And this handsome two year old had his long locks cut off on the day of the session. I told mom I thought she was brave to tackle a haircut and a photo session in one day!

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